Lisa Davis is a UK-based abstract artist working with acrylics on canvas. She has always dabbled in painting, but it wasn’t until suffering three tragic losses in less than a year that Lisa dedicated herself to her art.

While working through her grief in from of a canvas, Lisa re-discovered her passion and stepped into her purpose.

Every piece is revealed in the moment, evolving spontaneously and organically with each stroke of the brush (or comb, or cake tool or de-icer tool…..whatever is on hand can be part of the creative process).

Lisa’s work has been displayed in London and New York art galleries and exhibitions in Paris, Amsterdam, Venice and Brussels,. They have also featured in a Gallery magazine. Her creative vision has led to commissions from a devoted international clientele

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Bridge the Chaos

AVAILABLE - 4ft x 2ft Acrylic on cotton canvas

Exhibited in New York, Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris and Venice £2000 + shipping

AVAILABLE £2000 + shipping


30” x 20” Acrylic layers on Cotton canvas

AVAILABLE £1200 + shipping

Yellow Morning

40” x 30” Acrylic on cotton canvas

Previously exhibited in London and New York


AVAILABLE £1200 + shipping 24” x 36” Acrylics on cotton canvas.

New York Exhibit April 2023.


20” x 20” acrylic pen on cotton canvas, handwritten

Original sold


48” x 36” layered acrylics on cotton canvas - SOLD


40” x 30” layered acrylics on cotton canvas - SOLD